Сегодня родилась Пельтцер Татьяна Ивановна
6 июня 1904 года в Москве родилась Пельтцер Татьяна Ивановна. Это советская актриса театра и кино. Татьяна Пельтцер освоила актёрское мастерство благодаря своему отцу, который ставил её первые спектакли. В первый раз она сыграла в спектакле, когда ей было девять лет. Самые известные фильмы с участием Татьяны Пельтцер: "Свадьба", "Сеанс гипноза", "Два капитана" и многие другие.
On June 6, 1904 in Moscow Pelttser Tatyana Ivanovna was born. This is a Soviet actress of theater and cinema. Tatyana Pelttser has mastered acting skills thanks to her father who put her first performances. For the first time she has played in a performance when she was nine years old. The most famous movies with Tatyana Pelttser's participation are: "Wedding", "Hypnosis session", "Two captains" and many others.
On June 6, 1904 in Moscow Pelttser Tatyana Ivanovna was born. This is a Soviet actress of theater and cinema. Tatyana Pelttser has mastered acting skills thanks to her father who put her first performances. For the first time she has played in a performance when she was nine years old. The most famous movies with Tatyana Pelttser's participation are: "Wedding", "Hypnosis session", "Two captains" and many others.
- teatro
- primero
- maestro
- nueve
- espectáculo