Сегодня родился Водопьянов Михаил Васильевич
18 ноября 1980 года родился Водопьянов Михаил Васильевич. Это советский лётчик, участник спасения экипажа парохода «Челюскин», участник арктических и высокоширотных экспедиций. В 1929 году Михаил окончил Московскую лётно-техническую школу. Водопьянов занимался спасением экипажей, терпящих бедствие, совершал полёты в Арктику и боевые вылеты на бомбардировщике. Михаил был участником Великой Отечественной войны. Водопьянов имел множество наград и медалей за заслуги.
On November 18, 1980 Vodopyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich was born. This is a Soviet pilot, a participant of rescue of crew of the steamship "Chelyuskin", a participant of the Arctic and high-latitude expeditions. In 1929 Mikhail graduated from the Moscow flight and technical school. Vodopyanov was engaged in rescue of the crews suffering disaster, he made flights to the Arctic and fighting departures on a bomber. Mikhail was a participant of the Great Patriotic War. Vodopyanov had a set of awards and medals for his merits.
On November 18, 1980 Vodopyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich was born. This is a Soviet pilot, a participant of rescue of crew of the steamship "Chelyuskin", a participant of the Arctic and high-latitude expeditions. In 1929 Mikhail graduated from the Moscow flight and technical school. Vodopyanov was engaged in rescue of the crews suffering disaster, he made flights to the Arctic and fighting departures on a bomber. Mikhail was a participant of the Great Patriotic War. Vodopyanov had a set of awards and medals for his merits.
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