Сегодня родился Егоров Борис Борисович
26 ноября 1937 в Москве родился Егоров Борис Борисович. Это советский космонавт и врач, доктор медицинских наук. Борис родился в семье известного нейрохирурга. На старших курсах медицинского института юношу всё больше и больше стала увлекать новая наука — космическая медицина. И он начал работать лаборантом в институте, который занимался разработкой этих проблем. После окончания института, он начал активно заниматься научными исследованиями в области космической медицины. К моменту своего первого полёта в космос он опубликовал 10 научных работ. В 1964 году Егоров совершил полет на космическом корабле Восход-1 и стал первым врачом, полетевшим в космос.
On November 26, 1937 in Moscow Egorov Boris Borisovich was born. This is a Soviet astronaut and a doctor of medical sciences. Boris was born in a family of the famous neurosurgeon. On older years of medical institute young man began to attract the more and more to a new science - space medicine. So he started working as a laboratory assistant at the institute which was engaged in development of these problems. After the graduation from the institute, he started being engaged actively in scientific researches in the field of space medicine. By the time of the first flight in space he published 10 scientific works. In 1964 Egorov made a space flight on Vostok-1 spaceship and became the first doctor who went to space.
On November 26, 1937 in Moscow Egorov Boris Borisovich was born. This is a Soviet astronaut and a doctor of medical sciences. Boris was born in a family of the famous neurosurgeon. On older years of medical institute young man began to attract the more and more to a new science - space medicine. So he started working as a laboratory assistant at the institute which was engaged in development of these problems. After the graduation from the institute, he started being engaged actively in scientific researches in the field of space medicine. By the time of the first flight in space he published 10 scientific works. In 1964 Egorov made a space flight on Vostok-1 spaceship and became the first doctor who went to space.
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