Российский город Переславль-Залесский расположен в Ярославской области, в 140 километрах от Москвы. Город входит в Золотое кольцо России. Город был основан в 1152 году князем Юрием Долгоруким как Переяславль. В 1220 году здесь родился князь Александр Невский. Это туристический город с большим количеством достопримечательностей: музеи, памятник основателю города Юрию Долгорукому около въезда в город, пять архитектурных комплексов монастырей и девять церквей.
The Russian city Pereslavl-Zalessky is located in the Yaroslavl region, 140 kilometers far from Moscow. The city is included into the Golden Ring of Russia. The city was founded in 1152 by the prince Yury Dolgorukiy as Pereyaslavl. In 1220 the prince Alexander Nevsky was born here. It is the tourist city with a large number of sights: museums, a monument to the founder of the city Yury Dolgorukiy near entry into the city, five architectural complexes of monasteries and nine churches.
The Russian city Pereslavl-Zalessky is located in the Yaroslavl region, 140 kilometers far from Moscow. The city is included into the Golden Ring of Russia. The city was founded in 1152 by the prince Yury Dolgorukiy as Pereyaslavl. In 1220 the prince Alexander Nevsky was born here. It is the tourist city with a large number of sights: museums, a monument to the founder of the city Yury Dolgorukiy near entry into the city, five architectural complexes of monasteries and nine churches.
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