Китайская хохлатая собака
Китайская хохлатая собака - это порода маленьких декоративных собак. Родиной этой породы считается Китай и Мексика. В Китае хохлатая собака считается символом благополучия хозяев. Это дорогая порода. Собаки этой породы очень активные, жизнерадостные и изящные. Они преданы своим хозяевам. Эти собаки могут быть безволосыми или с шерстью.
Chinese crested dog is a breed of little decorative dogs. China and Mexico are considered the homeland of this breed. In China the crested dog is considered a symbol of wellbeing of its owners. It is an expensive breed. Dogs of this breed are very active, cheerful and graceful. They are betrayed to their owners. These dogs can be hairless or with wool.
Chinese crested dog is a breed of little decorative dogs. China and Mexico are considered the homeland of this breed. In China the crested dog is considered a symbol of wellbeing of its owners. It is an expensive breed. Dogs of this breed are very active, cheerful and graceful. They are betrayed to their owners. These dogs can be hairless or with wool.
- メキシコ
- 中国
- 田舎
- 小さい
- 犬