Хакусы - популярный лечебный курорт с горячими источниками на северо-восточном побережье озера Байкал. Здесь есть два источника с очень горячей (+42…+46 °С) и слабо минерализованной водой, по составу близкой к минеральным источникам Пятигорска. Вода подходит как для наружного применения, так и для внутреннего. Водолечебница «Хакусы» была основана в 1953 году. Здесь рай для туристов. Здесь организовано посещение небольших пещер в окрестных горах, рыбалка, сбор грибов и ягод, купание в Байкале летом и автопутешествия по замёрзшему озеру в холодную пору года, водные экскурсии к местным природным достопримечательностям.
Hakusa is a popular medical resort with hot springs on the northeast coast of the Lake Baikal. There are two sources with very hot (+42 … +46 °C) and poorly mineralized water, on structure close to mineral sources of Pyatigorsk. Water is suitable both for external application, and for internal. The balneary of Hakusa was founded in 1953. Here is a paradise for tourists. Here are organized visits of small caves in neighboring mountains, fishing, collecting mushrooms and berries, bathing in Baikal and autotravel on the frozen lake in a cold time of the year, water excursions to local natural sights in the summer.
Hakusa is a popular medical resort with hot springs on the northeast coast of the Lake Baikal. There are two sources with very hot (+42 … +46 °C) and poorly mineralized water, on structure close to mineral sources of Pyatigorsk. Water is suitable both for external application, and for internal. The balneary of Hakusa was founded in 1953. Here is a paradise for tourists. Here are organized visits of small caves in neighboring mountains, fishing, collecting mushrooms and berries, bathing in Baikal and autotravel on the frozen lake in a cold time of the year, water excursions to local natural sights in the summer.
- 観客
- 北
- 遠足
- 冷たい
- 岩屋