Изначально фазан родом из Азии, однако был распространен во все части света. Эта птица с ярким окрасом отлично прижилась и в России. Фазан является одомашненной птицей и является распространённым объектом охотничьего промысла. Название птицы происходит от названия древнего города Фазис. Длина фазана достигает 85 см, а вес до 2,0 кг. Самцы крупнее самок. Хвост очень длинный, состоящий из 18 суживающихся к концу перьев. Окрас самцов всегда ярче окраса самок.
Initially pheasant is from Asia, however it was widespread to all parts of the world. This bird with a bright color perfectly has taken root in Russia. The pheasant is the cultivated bird and is common object of hunting. The name of a bird comes from the name of the ancient city the Phase. Length of a pheasant reaches 85 cm, and weight up to 2,0 kg. Males are larger than females. A tail is very long, consisting from 18 of the feathers which are narrowed by the end. The color of males is always brighter than a color of females.
Initially pheasant is from Asia, however it was widespread to all parts of the world. This bird with a bright color perfectly has taken root in Russia. The pheasant is the cultivated bird and is common object of hunting. The name of a bird comes from the name of the ancient city the Phase. Length of a pheasant reaches 85 cm, and weight up to 2,0 kg. Males are larger than females. A tail is very long, consisting from 18 of the feathers which are narrowed by the end. The color of males is always brighter than a color of females.
- ポニテール
- 鳥
- 長い