Сегодня был запущен КА "Восход-1"
12 октября 1964 года с космодрома Байконур был запущен советский космический корабль "Восход-1". Это трехместный космический аппарат, построенный в СССР. Его полет длился 24 ч 17 мин. Это был полет первого в мире многоместного космического корабля с экипажем без скафандров. Для СССР это был седьмой пилотируемый космический полет. Хрущёв потребовал от конструктора Королёва запустить трех космонавтов сразу. Но кабина «Восхода» была рассчитана на двух человек в скафандрах, поэтому пришлось усаживать космонавтов в лёгких тренировочных костюмах без скафандров. Также не было места разместить три катапульты, потому летели без возможности аварийного спасения в случае взрыва ракеты на старте.
On October 12, 1964 from Baikonur Cosmodrome the Soviet spaceship Vostok-1 was started. It was the spacecraft for three astronauts constructed in the USSR. That flight lasted 24 h 17 min. It was the first-ever many-placed spaceship with crew without space suits. For the USSR it was the seventh piloted space flight. Khrushchev demanded of the designer Korolyov to place three astronauts at once. But the cabin of "Vostok-1" was designed for two people in space suits therefore it was necessary to place three astronauts in light training suits without space suits. Also there was no place for three catapults so the flight was made without possibility of emergency rescue in case of explosion of the rocket on start.
On October 12, 1964 from Baikonur Cosmodrome the Soviet spaceship Vostok-1 was started. It was the spacecraft for three astronauts constructed in the USSR. That flight lasted 24 h 17 min. It was the first-ever many-placed spaceship with crew without space suits. For the USSR it was the seventh piloted space flight. Khrushchev demanded of the designer Korolyov to place three astronauts at once. But the cabin of "Vostok-1" was designed for two people in space suits therefore it was necessary to place three astronauts in light training suits without space suits. Also there was no place for three catapults so the flight was made without possibility of emergency rescue in case of explosion of the rocket on start.
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