Старт КА "Союз-3"
26 октября 1968 года был запущен советский космический корабль "Союз-3" c космонавтом Георгием Береговым на борту. Это был первый в Советском Союзе пилотируемый полет после катастрофы космического корабля "Союз-1". Основной задачей полёта было испытание доработанной системы стыковки. Учитывая опыт полёта "Союза-3", было решено: производить стыковки космического корабля на освещённой части орбиты и планировать стыковки на второй виток, на вторые и даже на третьи сутки после запуска.
On October 26, 1968 the Soviet spaceship "Союз-3" with astronaut Georgy Beregov onboard was launched. It was the first in the Soviet Union piloted flight after an accident of the spaceship "Союз-1". Test of modifed system of joining was the main objective of flight. Considering experience of flight of "Union-3", it was solved: to dock the spaceship on the lit part of an orbit and to plan joinings for the second round, for the second and even for the third day after start.
On October 26, 1968 the Soviet spaceship "Союз-3" with astronaut Georgy Beregov onboard was launched. It was the first in the Soviet Union piloted flight after an accident of the spaceship "Союз-1". Test of modifed system of joining was the main objective of flight. Considering experience of flight of "Union-3", it was solved: to dock the spaceship on the lit part of an orbit and to plan joinings for the second round, for the second and even for the third day after start.
- 日
- 後
- 第一の
- 宇宙飛行士
- 宇宙的な
- 船
- 第二の