Свадьба советских космонавтов
3 ноября 1963 года состоялась историческая свадьба двух советских космонавтов Валентины Терешковой и Андрияна Николаева. Свадьба первой в мире женщины-космонавта состоялась в правительственном особняке на Ленинских горах, среди гостей был Хрущёв. После бракосочетания Терешкова носила двойную фамилию Николаева-Терешкова.
On November 3, 1963 the historical wedding of two Soviet astronauts Valentina Tereshkova and Andriyan Nikolaev took place. The wedding of the first-ever female astronaut took place in a government mansion on the Lenin mountains, among guests there was Khrushchev. After wedding Tereshkova carried a double surname of Nikolaeva-Tereshkova..
On November 3, 1963 the historical wedding of two Soviet astronauts Valentina Tereshkova and Andriyan Nikolaev took place. The wedding of the first-ever female astronaut took place in a government mansion on the Lenin mountains, among guests there was Khrushchev. After wedding Tereshkova carried a double surname of Nikolaeva-Tereshkova..
- 女性
- 宇宙飛行士
- 家名