Мрамор - это метаморфическая горная порода, состоящая только из кальцита CaCO3. Мрамор используется как поделочный камень для создания скульптур, мозаичных композиций, барельефов и других произведений искусства. Мрамор образуется под воздействием определённых физико-химических условий структура известняка. Окраска мрамора зависит от примесей. Большинство цветных мраморов имеет пёструю или полосчатую окраску. Рисунок определяется не только строением мрамора, но и направлением, по которому производится распиливание камня. Цвет и рисунок мрамора проявляются после его полировки.
Marble is a metamorphic rock consisting only of CaCO3 calcite. Marble is used as an ornamental stone, to create sculptures, mosaic compositions, reliefs and other works of art. Marble is formed under the influence of certain physical and chemical conditions structure of limestone. Coloring of marble depends on it's impurity. The majority of colorful marble has motley or striate coloring. Drawing is defined not only a structure of marble, but also the direction in which sawing of a stone is made. Color and drawing of marble are shown after its polishing.
Marble is a metamorphic rock consisting only of CaCO3 calcite. Marble is used as an ornamental stone, to create sculptures, mosaic compositions, reliefs and other works of art. Marble is formed under the influence of certain physical and chemical conditions structure of limestone. Coloring of marble depends on it's impurity. The majority of colorful marble has motley or striate coloring. Drawing is defined not only a structure of marble, but also the direction in which sawing of a stone is made. Color and drawing of marble are shown after its polishing.
- 天然色の
- 化学的
- 物理学