Ваза - это открытый сосуд изящной формы с живописными или лепными украшениями, изготовленный из глины, фарфора, камня, стекла, металла и других материалов. Многие древние и дорогие вазы выставлены в музеях по всему миру. Первые расписные вазы, обратившие на себя внимание учёных в семнадцатом столетии, были найдены в Тоскане.
The vase is an open container of a graceful form with picturesque or stucco mouldings made of clay, porcelain, stone, glass, metal and other materials. Many ancient and expensive vases are exposed in the museums worldwide. The first painted vases which have attracted attention scientists in the seventeenth century have been found in Tuscany.
The vase is an open container of a graceful form with picturesque or stucco mouldings made of clay, porcelain, stone, glass, metal and other materials. Many ancient and expensive vases are exposed in the museums worldwide. The first painted vases which have attracted attention scientists in the seventeenth century have been found in Tuscany.
- metal
- atención
- antiguo