Сегодня родилась Кузнецова Вера Андреевна
6 октября 1907 года в Саратове родилась Кузнецова Вера Андреевна. Это актриса театра и кино. Первая большая роль Кузнецовой в кино стала настоящим событием — в 1955 году она стала лауреатом в номинации «Лучший актёрский ансамбль» в фильме «Большая семья» на IX Международном кинофестивале в Каннах, сыграв Агафью Карповну, мать трудовой семьи Журбиных. На сцене театра Вера Кузнецова играла около 45 лет. Самые известные фильмы с участием Веры Кузнецовой: "Даниил — князь Галицкий", "Хмель", "Иванко и царь Поганин", "Пани Мария" и многие другие.
On October 6, 1907 in Saratov Kuznetsova Vera Andreevna was born. This is an actress of theater and cinema. The first big role of Kuznetsova at cinema became the real event — in 1955 she became a winner in the nomination "The Best Actor's Ensemble" in the movie "Big Family" at the IX International Film Festival in Cannes, having played Agafya Karpovna, a mother of a labor family Zhurbinykh. Vera Kuznetsova played on stage of theater about 45 years. The most famous movies with Vera Kuznetsova's participation are: "Daniil is prince Galitsky", "Hop", "Ivanko and the tsar Poganin", "Lady Maria" and many others.
On October 6, 1907 in Saratov Kuznetsova Vera Andreevna was born. This is an actress of theater and cinema. The first big role of Kuznetsova at cinema became the real event — in 1955 she became a winner in the nomination "The Best Actor's Ensemble" in the movie "Big Family" at the IX International Film Festival in Cannes, having played Agafya Karpovna, a mother of a labor family Zhurbinykh. Vera Kuznetsova played on stage of theater about 45 years. The most famous movies with Vera Kuznetsova's participation are: "Daniil is prince Galitsky", "Hop", "Ivanko and the tsar Poganin", "Lady Maria" and many others.
- 映画
- の周り
- 劇場
- 国際
- 沢山
- 有名な