Сегодня родился БердышевАнатолий Васильевич
1 марта 1947 года родился Бердышев Анатолий Васильевич. Это талантливый советский и российский артист балета, балетмейстер и педагог. В 1966—1990 годах он был солистом Новосибирского театра оперы и балета, где он часто танцевал в дуэте с женой Любовью Гершуновой. Творчеству супругов посвящён телефильм «История одного дуэта». Анатолий Бердышев сыграл роли в фильмах "Хореографические новеллы", "Фантазия — Санин".
On March 1, 1947 Berdyshev Anatoly Vasilyevich was born. This is a talented Soviet and Russian ballet dancer, a ballet master and a teacher. In 1966 — 1990 he was a soloist of the Novosibirsk opera and ballet theater where he often danced in the duet with his wife Lyubov Gershunova. The television movie "History of One Duet" is devoted to creativity of the spouses. Anatoly Berdyshev has played roles in movies "Choreographic Short Stories", "Imagination — Sanin".
On March 1, 1947 Berdyshev Anatoly Vasilyevich was born. This is a talented Soviet and Russian ballet dancer, a ballet master and a teacher. In 1966 — 1990 he was a soloist of the Novosibirsk opera and ballet theater where he often danced in the duet with his wife Lyubov Gershunova. The television movie "History of One Duet" is devoted to creativity of the spouses. Anatoly Berdyshev has played roles in movies "Choreographic Short Stories", "Imagination — Sanin".
- 映画
- 劇場
- 英才な
- 恋愛
- バレー
- 俳優