Чистка ковров
Зимой славяне чистят ковры при помощи снега. Как только выпадет хороший снег на улицах можно встретить людей, которые чистят ковры. Ковры засыпают снегом, втаптывают снег в ковры, а затем очищают его веником. Это помогает освежить ковры и сделать их намного чище. Вот такая интересная традиция русских людей.
In winter the Slavs clean carpets using snow. As soon as good snow fell you can meet people who clean carpets on streets. People fill up carpets with snow, trample snow in carpets, and then clear them with a broom. It helps to refresh carpets and to make them much cleaner. Here is such an interesting tradition of Russian people.
In winter the Slavs clean carpets using snow. As soon as good snow fell you can meet people who clean carpets on streets. People fill up carpets with snow, trample snow in carpets, and then clear them with a broom. It helps to refresh carpets and to make them much cleaner. Here is such an interesting tradition of Russian people.
- tapete
- neve
- fazer
- encontrar
- pode
Идёт снег
[idyòt snek]
- Está a nevar.