Бефстроганов - это одно из самых вкусных мясных блюд. Для его приготовления возьмите 500 г говядины или свинины, порезанные соломкой, 2 лука, 1 столовую ложку муки, 1 стакан сметаны, соль и перец. Лук нарежьте мелко и поджарьте, добавьте к нему кусочки мяса. Добавьте соль и перец по вкусу. Жарим мясо с луком 5 минут постоянно помешивая. Затем нам надо добавить муку и сметану, перемешать и тушить все это еще 20 минут на слабом огне.
Beef Stroganoff is one of the most tasty meat dishes. For its preparation take 500 g of beef or pork cuted into strips, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 glass of sour cream, salt and pepper. Cut onions into slices and roast them, add meat slices to it. Add salt and pepper to taste. We fry meat with onions during 5 minutes constantly mixing it slowly. Then we should add flour and sour cream, mix and simmer it for 20 more minutes on low heat.
Beef Stroganoff is one of the most tasty meat dishes. For its preparation take 500 g of beef or pork cuted into strips, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 glass of sour cream, salt and pepper. Cut onions into slices and roast them, add meat slices to it. Add salt and pepper to taste. We fry meat with onions during 5 minutes constantly mixing it slowly. Then we should add flour and sour cream, mix and simmer it for 20 more minutes on low heat.
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соль и перец
[sol' i perets]
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