Спичка — это палочка из горючего материала, которая снабжена на конце зажигательной головкой и служит для получения открытого огня. Первые спички были изобретены во времена Средневекового Китая. Первые "настоящие" спички были сделаны в 1805 году французским химиком Жаном Шанселем.
The match is a stick made of a combustible material which is supplied on the end with an incendiary head and serves for receiving open flame. The first matches were invented at the time of Medieval China. The first "real" matches were made in 1805 by the French chemist Jean Chansel.
The match is a stick made of a combustible material which is supplied on the end with an incendiary head and serves for receiving open flame. The first matches were invented at the time of Medieval China. The first "real" matches were made in 1805 by the French chemist Jean Chansel.
- quimico
- francês