Чай и кофе
Что можно макать в чай или кофе? Есть люди, которые предпочитают просто чай без печенья и тортиков, а есть те, которые не мыслят свой чай или кофе без сладких десертов (варенья, шоколада, булочек, печенья или тортиков). А есть еще одна категория людей, которая любит макать печенье, сухарики, шоколад или кусочки хлеба в чай или кофе. И для них это очень вкусно!
What can you dip in tea or in coffee? There are people who prefer tea without biscuits and cakes, and there are people can't imagine their tea or coffee without sweet desserts (jam, chocolate, rolls, cookies or cakes). And there is one more category of people which likes to dip cookies, croutons, chocolate or slices of bread in tea or in coffee. And for them it is very tasty!
What can you dip in tea or in coffee? There are people who prefer tea without biscuits and cakes, and there are people can't imagine their tea or coffee without sweet desserts (jam, chocolate, rolls, cookies or cakes). And there is one more category of people which likes to dip cookies, croutons, chocolate or slices of bread in tea or in coffee. And for them it is very tasty!
- chocolate
- bolacha
[disèrt ]
- sobremesa
- saboroso
- doce