Сегодня родился Мстислав Леопольдович Ростропович
27 марта 1961 года родился Мстислав Леопольдович Ростропович. Это советский и российский виолончелист, пианист и дирижёр. Он родился в семье профессиональных музыкантов. Он начал изучать музыку с 4х лет. Ростропович учился в Музыкальном техникуме имени Мусоргского в Москве. Он получил известность как виолончелист в 1945 году, выиграв золотую медаль Третьего Всесоюзного конкурса музыкантов-исполнителей в Москве.
On March 27, 1961 Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian cellist, pianist and conductor. He was born in a family of professional musicians. He began to study music when he was 4. Rostropovich studied in Musical technical school of Mussorgsky in Moscow. He has gained fame as a cellist in 1945, having won a gold medal of the Third All-Union competition of performing musicians in Moscow.
On March 27, 1961 Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian cellist, pianist and conductor. He was born in a family of professional musicians. He began to study music when he was 4. Rostropovich studied in Musical technical school of Mussorgsky in Moscow. He has gained fame as a cellist in 1945, having won a gold medal of the Third All-Union competition of performing musicians in Moscow.
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