Сегодня родился Поткин Владимир Алексеевич
28 июня 1982 года родился Поткин Владимир Алексеевич. Это российский шахматист, международный гроссмейстер и гроссмейстер России, чемпион Европы, один из тренеров сборной России. Владимир родился в семье шахматистов и в 10 лет участвовал в детских и юношеских турнирах.
On June 28, 1982 Potkin Vladimir Alekseevich was born. This is a Russian chess player, an international grand master and a grand master of Russia, the champion of Europe, one of coaches of Russian national team. Vladimir was born in a family of chess players and when he was 10 hw stated participating in children's and junior tournaments.
On June 28, 1982 Potkin Vladimir Alekseevich was born. This is a Russian chess player, an international grand master and a grand master of Russia, the champion of Europe, one of coaches of Russian national team. Vladimir was born in a family of chess players and when he was 10 hw stated participating in children's and junior tournaments.
- enxadrista
- campeão
- da Rússia
- internacional
- Vladimir
- infantil
- europeu