Форос - это курортный посёлок, который находится на южном берегу Крыма (Россия). Форос омывается Черным морем. Здесь развит туризм. В 2 километрах от Фороса находилась дача президента СССР Михаила Горбачёва - «дача Горбачёва». Ежегодно на Форосе отдыхает огромное количество туристов. Основная достопримечательность Фороса – это огромный парк с редкими растениями со всего мира. Другие достопримечательности курорта: Гора Дракон, Дворец Кузнецова, Дворец Меллас и Скала Парус.
Foros is a resort settlement which is situated on the southern coast of the Crimea (Russia). Foros is washed by the Black Sea. Tourism is developed here. There was a datcha of the USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev - "Gorbachev's dacha". Annually the huge number of tourists has a rest on Foros. The main place of interest of Foros is a huge park with rare plants from around the world. Other sights of the resort are: Mountain Drakon, Kuznetsov's Palace, Palace Mellas and Sail Rock.
Foros is a resort settlement which is situated on the southern coast of the Crimea (Russia). Foros is washed by the Black Sea. Tourism is developed here. There was a datcha of the USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev - "Gorbachev's dacha". Annually the huge number of tourists has a rest on Foros. The main place of interest of Foros is a huge park with rare plants from around the world. Other sights of the resort are: Mountain Drakon, Kuznetsov's Palace, Palace Mellas and Sail Rock.
- turista
- presidente
- quilômetro
- lugar de interesse
- grande
- costa
- palácio