История твёрдого шоколада
До начала XVII века шоколадом назывался холодный терпкий напиток с горьковатым вкусом, получаемый из растёртых бобов какао. Начиная со второй трети XIX века шоколадом именуется не напиток, а твёрдый продукт на основе какао-масла — плиточный шоколад. Автором изобретения для производства твердого шоколада стал голландский химик Конрад ван Гутен, который изобрёл пресс для отжима жирного какао-масло из тёртого какао. Добавление полученного какао-масла в горячий шоколад позволило добиться его затвердения.
Before the beginning of the 17th century cold tart drink with bitterish taste was called chocolate and received it's name the pounded cocoa beans. Since the second third of the 19th century a firm product on the basis of cocoa butter was called chocolate. The inventor of the device for production of firm chocolate became Dutch chemist Conrad van Guten who has invented a press for an extraction of fat cocoa butter from the cocoa mass. Addition of the received cocoa butter in hot chocolate has allowed to achieve hardening.
Before the beginning of the 17th century cold tart drink with bitterish taste was called chocolate and received it's name the pounded cocoa beans. Since the second third of the 19th century a firm product on the basis of cocoa butter was called chocolate. The inventor of the device for production of firm chocolate became Dutch chemist Conrad van Guten who has invented a press for an extraction of fat cocoa butter from the cocoa mass. Addition of the received cocoa butter in hot chocolate has allowed to achieve hardening.
- chocolate
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