Гитара - струнный музыкальный инструмент, который применяется во многих стилях и направлениях музыки, среди которых романс, блюз, кантри, фламенко, рок, метал, джаз. Прототипы современной гитары были известны еще в Древнем Египте и Индии. В начале девятнадцатого века в России стала популярной семиструнная гитара, которая соединила в себе конструктивные особенности английской гитары и испанской гитары.
Guitar is a string musical instrument which is applied in many styles and directions of music among which there is a romance, the blues, a country, a flamenco, a fate threw, the jazz. Prototypes of a modern guitar were known in Ancient Egypt and India. At the beginning of the nineteenth century in Russia there was popular a seven-stringed guitar which has united design features of the English guitar and Spanish guitar.
Guitar is a string musical instrument which is applied in many styles and directions of music among which there is a romance, the blues, a country, a flamenco, a fate threw, the jazz. Prototypes of a modern guitar were known in Ancient Egypt and India. At the beginning of the nineteenth century in Russia there was popular a seven-stringed guitar which has united design features of the English guitar and Spanish guitar.
- violão
- músico
- espanhol