День командира корабля
8 октября в России празднуют день командира надводного, подводного и воздушного корабля. Это профессиональный праздник командиров экипажей кораблей. Праздник был учрежден в Российской Федерации по инициативе ряда ветеранских организаций и по ходатайству региональной общественной организации адмиралов и генералов ВМФ «Клуб адмиралов».
On October 8 in Russia people celebrate day of the commander of surface ship, underwater ship and air ship. It is a professional holiday of commanders of ships. The holiday was founded in the Russian Federation at the initiative of a number of veteran organizations and for the petition of regional public organization of admirals and generals of the Navy "Club of admirals".
On October 8 in Russia people celebrate day of the commander of surface ship, underwater ship and air ship. It is a professional holiday of commanders of ships. The holiday was founded in the Russian Federation at the initiative of a number of veteran organizations and for the petition of regional public organization of admirals and generals of the Navy "Club of admirals".
- festa
- comandante
- Rússia
- outubro
- barco