Сегодня родился Маршак Самуил Яковлевич
3 ноября 1887 года в Воронеже родился Маршак Самуил Яковлевич. Это русский советский поэт, драматург, переводчик, литературный критик, сценарист, автор популярных детских книг. Школьный учитель Маршака привил ему любовь к классической литературе. Благодаря помощи известного русского критика Стасова, Маршак переехал в Петербург и учился в лучшей гимназии. В морском путешествии на корабле из Одессы по странам Дальнего Востока Маршак познакомился со своей будущей женой Софьей Мильвидской, с которой они после женитьбы отправились в Англию. Там Маршак учился в политехническом,а затем Лондонском университете. Там же он начал работать над переводами английских баллад. В 1914 году Маршак вернулся на родину и начал публиковать в журналах свои переводы. Он создал своё детское издательство, писал и публиковал стихи, в том числе и сатирического характера.
On November 3, 1887 in Voronezh Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich was born. This is a Russian Soviet poet, an author of popular children books, a playwright, a translator, a screenwriter. The school teacher of Marshak imparted to love classical literature. Thanks to the help of the famous Russian critic Stasov, Marshak moved to St. Petersburg and studied in the best gymnasium. During the voyage by the ship from Odessa over the countries of the Far East Marshak got acquainted with his future wife Sofya Milvidskaya with who they went to England after their marriage. There Marshak studied at polytechnical, and then at London university. In the same place he started working on the translations of English ballads. In 1914 Marshak returned home and started publishing his translationsin in magazines. He created the children's publishing house, wrote and published verses, including ones of satirical character.
On November 3, 1887 in Voronezh Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich was born. This is a Russian Soviet poet, an author of popular children books, a playwright, a translator, a screenwriter. The school teacher of Marshak imparted to love classical literature. Thanks to the help of the famous Russian critic Stasov, Marshak moved to St. Petersburg and studied in the best gymnasium. During the voyage by the ship from Odessa over the countries of the Far East Marshak got acquainted with his future wife Sofya Milvidskaya with who they went to England after their marriage. There Marshak studied at polytechnical, and then at London university. In the same place he started working on the translations of English ballads. In 1914 Marshak returned home and started publishing his translationsin in magazines. He created the children's publishing house, wrote and published verses, including ones of satirical character.
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