Сегодня родился Яковлев Алексей Семёнович
14 ноября 1773 года родился Яковлев Алексей Семёнович. Это российский актёр начала XIX века, поэт. Он был первым исполнителем на русской сцене ролей Отелло и Гамлета в пьесах Шекспира. С юных лет Яковлев увлекался поэзией и театром, сочинял пьесы. В театрах Яковлев часто играл романтических актеров.
On November 14, 1773 Yakovlev Alexey Semyonovich was born. This is a Russian actor of the beginning of the XIX century, a poet. He was the first performer of Othello and Hamlet roles in Shakespeare's plays on the Russian scene. Since young years Yakovlev was fond of poetry and theater, he composed plays. At theaters Yakovlev often played romantic actors.
On November 14, 1773 Yakovlev Alexey Semyonovich was born. This is a Russian actor of the beginning of the XIX century, a poet. He was the first performer of Othello and Hamlet roles in Shakespeare's plays on the Russian scene. Since young years Yakovlev was fond of poetry and theater, he composed plays. At theaters Yakovlev often played romantic actors.
- teatro
- poema
- da Rússia