Сегодня родился Кропоткин Пётр Алексеевич
9 декабря 1842 года в Москве родился Кропоткин Пётр Алексеевич. Это русский революционер-анархист и учёный, географ, геоморфолог, историк, публицист. Он получил среднее образование в 1-й Московской гимназии и окончил с отличием Пажеский корпус. Пётр добровольно избрал военную службу в Сибири. За свою жизнь он участвовал во многих географических экспедициях. В 1876 году Кропоткин эмигрировал в Швейцарию, а в 1917 году он снова вернулся в Россию. Он основал и издавал в Швейцарии в Женеве газету на французском языке Le Revolte, которая пользовалась исключительной популярностью. Пётр Кропоткин оставил выдающийся вклад в геоморфологии и географии. Его деятельность началась с научных экспедиций в Сибири, позднее он занимал должность секретаря Отдела физической географии Русского Географического общества. Кропоткин впервые ввёл термин вечная мерзлота.
On December 9, 1842 in Moscow Kropotkin Pyotr Alekseevich was born. This is a Russian revolutionary anarchist and a scientist, a geographer, a geomorphologist, an historian, a publicist. He got secondary education in the 1st Moscow gymnasium and ended with honors the Pazhesky case. Pyotr voluntary elected military service in Siberia. For the life he participated in many geographical expeditions. In 1876 Kropotkin emigrated to Switzerland, and in 1917 he returned again to Russia. He based and issued in Switzerland in Geneva the newspaper in French "Le Revolte" which enjoyed exclusive popularity. Pyotr Kropotkin left an outstanding contribution in geomorphology and geography. Its activity began with scientific expeditions in Siberia, later he held a position of the secretary of Department of physical geography of the Russian Geographical society. Kropotkin introduced the term permafrost for the first time.
On December 9, 1842 in Moscow Kropotkin Pyotr Alekseevich was born. This is a Russian revolutionary anarchist and a scientist, a geographer, a geomorphologist, an historian, a publicist. He got secondary education in the 1st Moscow gymnasium and ended with honors the Pazhesky case. Pyotr voluntary elected military service in Siberia. For the life he participated in many geographical expeditions. In 1876 Kropotkin emigrated to Switzerland, and in 1917 he returned again to Russia. He based and issued in Switzerland in Geneva the newspaper in French "Le Revolte" which enjoyed exclusive popularity. Pyotr Kropotkin left an outstanding contribution in geomorphology and geography. Its activity began with scientific expeditions in Siberia, later he held a position of the secretary of Department of physical geography of the Russian Geographical society. Kropotkin introduced the term permafrost for the first time.
- cientista
- novamente
- russo
- departamento
- habilitação
- historiador
- vida
- cargo
- geógrafo
- geografia
- investigação
- jornal
- francês