Дерево тик
Тик растёт в лесах Южной и Юго-Восточной Азии. Тиковое дерево — источник очень ценной древесины и является одним из важнейших сортов древесины, идущей на экспорт из Азии. Ценность тиковой древесины заключается в её устойчивости к повреждающим факторам, как биологическим, так и к внебиологическим. Древесина тика имеет очень красивую фактуру. Её используют для строительства садовой мебели, палуб кораблей, столешниц и так далее, поскольку эта древесина не рассыхается под воздействием внешних факторов и имеет исключительно долгий срок службы.
The teak grows in the woods of Southern and Southeast Asia. The teak is a source of very valuable wood also is one of the most important grades of the wood for export from Asia. The value of teak wood consists in its resistance to the damaging factors, as biological, and to the non-biological. Wood of a teak has very beautiful texture. It is used for construction of garden furniture, decks of ships, table-tops and so on as this wood doesn't crack under the influence of external factors and has exclusively long service life.
The teak grows in the woods of Southern and Southeast Asia. The teak is a source of very valuable wood also is one of the most important grades of the wood for export from Asia. The value of teak wood consists in its resistance to the damaging factors, as biological, and to the non-biological. Wood of a teak has very beautiful texture. It is used for construction of garden furniture, decks of ships, table-tops and so on as this wood doesn't crack under the influence of external factors and has exclusively long service life.
- barco
- árvore
- bonito