Запуск "Вега-2"
21 декабря 1984 года была успешно запущена советская автоматическая межпланетная станция "Вега-2" предназначенная для изучения Венеры и кометы Галлея. Запуск был реализован при помощи ракеты "Протон". За 6 месяцев полета космический аппарат "Вега-2" преодолел 45 миллионов километров и приблизился к Венере. 15 июня на Венеру был доставлен спускаемый аппарат.
On December 21, 1984 the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Vega-2" intended for studying of Venus and Galley's comet was successfully launched. Start was realized by means of the Proton rocket. In 6 months of flight the Vega-2 spacecraft overcame 45 million kilometers and came nearer to Venus. On June 15 the lander was delivered to Venus.
On December 21, 1984 the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Vega-2" intended for studying of Venus and Galley's comet was successfully launched. Start was realized by means of the Proton rocket. In 6 months of flight the Vega-2 spacecraft overcame 45 million kilometers and came nearer to Venus. On June 15 the lander was delivered to Venus.
- estação
- milhão
- mês
- espço
- quilômetro
- Vênus