Рамбутан плодовое тропическое дерево, родом из Юго-Восточной Азии, культивируется во многих странах этого региона. Название растения произошло от индонезийского rambut, что в переводе означает «волос», из-за внешнего вида плодов. Это вечнозелёное дерево высотой до 25 метров с широкой кроной. По мере созревания плоды меняют окраску с зелёной на жёлто-оранжевую, а затем ярко-красную. Их мякоть ароматная, приятного кисло-сладкого вкуса, сильно напоминает сладкий зеленый виноград.
Rambutan a fruit tropical tree, native to the Southeast Asia, cultivated in many countries of this region. The name of the plant has come from the Indonesian rambut which translation means "a hair", because of appearance of fruits. This is an evergreen tree up to 25 meters high with wide krone. In process of maturing fruits change their colour from green to yellow-orange, and then to bright red. Their pulp is fragrant, of pleasant sweet-sour taste, like green grapes.
Rambutan a fruit tropical tree, native to the Southeast Asia, cultivated in many countries of this region. The name of the plant has come from the Indonesian rambut which translation means "a hair", because of appearance of fruits. This is an evergreen tree up to 25 meters high with wide krone. In process of maturing fruits change their colour from green to yellow-orange, and then to bright red. Their pulp is fragrant, of pleasant sweet-sour taste, like green grapes.
[kislo sladkij]