Кумкват также известен как японский апельсин. Это цитрусовый фрукт, который растет на Юге Китая, на греческом острове Корфу и в тропических странах. Кумкват употребляют как в сыром, так и в приготовленном виде (цукаты, варенье, мармелад, ликёры). Кумкват часто выращивают как комнатное растение.
Cumquat is also known as the Japanese orange. It is a citrus fruit which grows in the south of China, on the Greek island of Corfu and in the tropical countries. The cumquat is used both raw and cooked (candied fruits, jam, fruit jelly, liqueurs). The cumquat is often grown up as a houseplant.
Cumquat is also known as the Japanese orange. It is a citrus fruit which grows in the south of China, on the Greek island of Corfu and in the tropical countries. The cumquat is used both raw and cooked (candied fruits, jam, fruit jelly, liqueurs). The cumquat is often grown up as a houseplant.