День Кирилла и Мефодия
24 мая в России празднуется День святых Кирилла и Мефодия. Это братья, христианские проповедники, которые создали старославянскую азбуку и язык. Братья были родом из богатой семьи и получили прекрасное образование. С 2010 года центром празднования Дня славянской письменности, а также Дня святых Кирилла и Мефодия считается Москва.
On May 24 in Russia Day of Saints Kirill and Mefodiy is celebrated. These are brothers, Christian preachers who have created the old Slavic alphabet and language. Brothers were from a rich family and got a fine education. Since 2010 Moscow is considered the center of celebration of Day of Slavic writing, and also of the Day of Saints Kirill and Mefodiy.
On May 24 in Russia Day of Saints Kirill and Mefodiy is celebrated. These are brothers, Christian preachers who have created the old Slavic alphabet and language. Brothers were from a rich family and got a fine education. Since 2010 Moscow is considered the center of celebration of Day of Slavic writing, and also of the Day of Saints Kirill and Mefodiy.