Троицкий мост
Троицкий мост - это разводной мост через Неву в Санкт-Петербурге. Он соединяет Петроградский и 1-й Адмиралтейский острова. Это третий постоянный мост через Неву и один из красивейших мостов города. Троицкий мост был введен в эксплуатацию в 1803 году. Он выполнен из стали. Его длина составляет 582 метра.
Troitsky Bridge is a drawbridge across Neva river in St. Petersburg. It connects Petrograd and the 1st Admiralty islands. This is the third constant bridge through Neva and one of the most beautiful bridges of the city. Troitsky Bridge was put into service in 1803. It is made of steel. Its length is 582 meters.
Troitsky Bridge is a drawbridge across Neva river in St. Petersburg. It connects Petrograd and the 1st Admiralty islands. This is the third constant bridge through Neva and one of the most beautiful bridges of the city. Troitsky Bridge was put into service in 1803. It is made of steel. Its length is 582 meters.