Сегодня родился Александров Александр Данилович
4 августа 1912 года родился Александров Александр Данилович. Это российский математик, физик, философ и альпинист. За свою научную карьеру, Александров Александр написал множество монографий, научных статей и учебников для школ. Научные труды Александрова обогатили геометрию методами теории меры и функционального анализа. Александров развил синтетический подход к дифференциальной геометрии.
On August 4, 1912 Alexandrov Alexander Danilovich was born. This is a Russian mathematician, a physicist, a philosopher and a climber. For his scientific career Alexandrov Alexander has written a set of monographs, scientific articles and textbooks for schools. Scientific works of Alexandrov have enriched geometry with methods of the theory of a measure and the functional analysis. Alexandrov has developed synthetic approach to differential geometry.
On August 4, 1912 Alexandrov Alexander Danilovich was born. This is a Russian mathematician, a physicist, a philosopher and a climber. For his scientific career Alexandrov Alexander has written a set of monographs, scientific articles and textbooks for schools. Scientific works of Alexandrov have enriched geometry with methods of the theory of a measure and the functional analysis. Alexandrov has developed synthetic approach to differential geometry.