Собаки Шолоицкуинтли
Шолоицкуинтли известная также как мексиканская голая собака - это самая древняя порода собак в мире. Родиной этих собак является Мексика. На своей родине они являются национальным достоянием. В древние времена собаки этой породы играли важную роль в религии и культовых обрядах. Эти собаки редко вызывают аллергию. Они не имеют запаха и блох. Шолоицкуинтли занесены в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса как самая древняя порода собак и как млекопитающие с самой высокой температурой тела на Земле.
Sholoitskuintli also known as Mexican hairless dog is the most ancient breed of dog in the world. The homeland of these dogs is Mexico. On their homeland they are national property. In ancient times dogs of this breed played an important role in religion and cult ceremonies. These dogs seldom cause an allergy. They have no smell and fleas. Sholoitskuintli are included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most ancient breed of dog and as mammals with the most high body temperature on Earth.
Sholoitskuintli also known as Mexican hairless dog is the most ancient breed of dog in the world. The homeland of these dogs is Mexico. On their homeland they are national property. In ancient times dogs of this breed played an important role in religion and cult ceremonies. These dogs seldom cause an allergy. They have no smell and fleas. Sholoitskuintli are included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most ancient breed of dog and as mammals with the most high body temperature on Earth.