Адамово яблоко
Плод дерева Маклюра называются "Адамово яблоко". Это ценное лекарственное растение, которое используется в народной и официальной медицине для лечения многих болезней. Из маклюры делают мази, настойки. Маклюра произрастает в Крыму, на Кавказе, в США, в Казахстане. Это растение также используется в декоративном садоводстве.
Tree fruit of the Maclura are called "Adam's apple". This is a valuable curative plant which is used in traditional and official medicine for treatment of many diseases. Ointments, tinctures are made from Maclura. Maclura grows in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in the USA, in Kazakhstan. This plant is also used in decorative gardening.
Tree fruit of the Maclura are called "Adam's apple". This is a valuable curative plant which is used in traditional and official medicine for treatment of many diseases. Ointments, tinctures are made from Maclura. Maclura grows in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in the USA, in Kazakhstan. This plant is also used in decorative gardening.