рецепт дня
Рецепт дня. Чебуреки по рецепту моей бабушки.
чебуреки [chebureki] – chebureki (traditional meat pastry)
по рецепту моей бабушки [po retseptu moej babushki] – by my grandma’s recipe
яйцо [yajtso/ âjco] - egg
мука [muka] - flour
кипяток [kipyatok] – hot boiled water
свино-говяжий фарш [farsh] - pork-beef forcemeat
лук [luk] - onion
соль [sol'] - solt
перец [perec] - pepper
смешать [smeshat'] - mix
замесить [zamesit'] – knead (dough)
не крутое [ne krutoe] – not tight
раскатать [raskatat'] – roll out (the dough)
свернуть* [svernut'] - fold
вырезать [vyrezat'] – cut the excessive dough
жарить [zharit'] - fry
готово [gotovo] - ready
*Leave the edges free from forcemeat so you could press it against each other to hold the inside meat.
чебуреки [chebureki] – chebureki (traditional meat pastry)
по рецепту моей бабушки [po retseptu moej babushki] – by my grandma’s recipe
яйцо [yajtso/ âjco] - egg
мука [muka] - flour
кипяток [kipyatok] – hot boiled water
свино-говяжий фарш [farsh] - pork-beef forcemeat
лук [luk] - onion
соль [sol'] - solt
перец [perec] - pepper
смешать [smeshat'] - mix
замесить [zamesit'] – knead (dough)
не крутое [ne krutoe] – not tight
раскатать [raskatat'] – roll out (the dough)
свернуть* [svernut'] - fold
вырезать [vyrezat'] – cut the excessive dough
жарить [zharit'] - fry
готово [gotovo] - ready
*Leave the edges free from forcemeat so you could press it against each other to hold the inside meat.