Сегодня родился Арлазоров Ян Майорович
26 августа 1947 года родился Арлазоров Ян Майорович. Это знаменитый российский театральный актёр и эстрадный артист, заслуженный артист России (1997), лауреат Всероссийского конкурса артистов эстрады. Это актёр-импровизатор и юморист, он не стеснялся выходить с микрофоном в народ и любил обращаться к зрителю: «Эй, мужик!». В день 63-летия со дня рождения артиста на его могиле был открыт бронзовый памятник.
On August 26, 1947 Arlazorov Jan was born. This is a well-known Russian thespian and a variety actor, an honored artist of Russia (1997), a winner of the All-Russian competition of performers. This is an improvisator actor and humorist, he didn't hesitate to go with a microphone in the crowd and liked to address to the viewer: "Hey, man!". In the day of his 63 anniversary on his grave the bronze monument was set up.
On August 26, 1947 Arlazorov Jan was born. This is a well-known Russian thespian and a variety actor, an honored artist of Russia (1997), a winner of the All-Russian competition of performers. This is an improvisator actor and humorist, he didn't hesitate to go with a microphone in the crowd and liked to address to the viewer: "Hey, man!". In the day of his 63 anniversary on his grave the bronze monument was set up.