Охота на сома
Рыбаки считают большой удачей поймать огромного сома, а главное вытащить его из воды. Это огромная усатая рыба без чешуи обитает в пресноводных реках. Ее вес может достигать 400 килограммов, а длина до 5 метров. И для того, чтобы вытащить такого монстра из воды нужно хорошо постараться. Были случаи, когда при попытке вытащить сома из воды, рыбаки привязывали толстую леску к небольшому дереву, а сом вырывал дерево с корнем из земли и уходил от рыбака. Сом - это активный ночной хищник. Он способен нападать даже на небольших домашних животных. В истории зарегистрированы случаи нападения сомов на людей. Мясо сома очень вкусное, жирное и сладковатое.
Fishermen consider a great luck to catch a huge catfish, and, especially to pull out it from water. This is a huge moustached fish without scales lives in fresh-water rivers. Its weight can be up to 400 kilograms, and length to 5 meters. And to pull out that monster from water you need to do your best. There were cases when in attempt to pull out a catfish from water, fishermen tied a thick scaffold to a small tree, and the fish uprooted a tree and went away. The catfish is an active night predator. It is able to attack even small pets. There were some cases of catfish attack on people. Meat of a catfish is very tasty, fatty and sweet.
Fishermen consider a great luck to catch a huge catfish, and, especially to pull out it from water. This is a huge moustached fish without scales lives in fresh-water rivers. Its weight can be up to 400 kilograms, and length to 5 meters. And to pull out that monster from water you need to do your best. There were cases when in attempt to pull out a catfish from water, fishermen tied a thick scaffold to a small tree, and the fish uprooted a tree and went away. The catfish is an active night predator. It is able to attack even small pets. There were some cases of catfish attack on people. Meat of a catfish is very tasty, fatty and sweet.