Сегодня родилась Плисецкая Майя Михайловна
20 ноября 1925 года в Москве родилась Плисецкая Майя Михайловна. Это русская артистка и балерина, прима-балерина Большого театра СССР. Она также снималась в кино, работала как балетмейстер и как педагог-репетитор, она была автором мемуаров. Плесецкая была супругой композитора Родиона Щедрина. Майю воспитывала тётя - балерина, солистка Большого театра. В 1943 году Майя Плисецкая была принята в труппу Большого театра и вскоре стала прима-балериной. После распада СССР Плисецкая жила преимущественно в Мюнхене (Германия), время от времени вместе с мужем приезжала в Москву или Санкт-Петербург, а также ездила в Литву, где у нее была дача.
On November 20, 1925 in Moscow Plisetskaya Maya Mikhaelovna was born. This is a Russian actress and a ballerina, a prima ballerina of the Bolshoi theater of the USSR. She also played roles in films, worked as a ballet master and as a teacher-tutor, she was an author of memoirs. Plesetskaya was a spouse of a composer Rodion Shchedrin. Maya was brought up by her aunt - a ballerina, a soloist of the Bolshoi theater. In 1943 Maya Plisetskaya was invited to troupe of the Bolshoi theater and soon she became a prima-ballerina. After collapse of the USSR Plisetskaya lived mainly in Munich (Germany), from time to time together with her husband she came to Moscow or St. Petersburg, and also went to Lithuania where she had a country house.
On November 20, 1925 in Moscow Plisetskaya Maya Mikhaelovna was born. This is a Russian actress and a ballerina, a prima ballerina of the Bolshoi theater of the USSR. She also played roles in films, worked as a ballet master and as a teacher-tutor, she was an author of memoirs. Plesetskaya was a spouse of a composer Rodion Shchedrin. Maya was brought up by her aunt - a ballerina, a soloist of the Bolshoi theater. In 1943 Maya Plisetskaya was invited to troupe of the Bolshoi theater and soon she became a prima-ballerina. After collapse of the USSR Plisetskaya lived mainly in Munich (Germany), from time to time together with her husband she came to Moscow or St. Petersburg, and also went to Lithuania where she had a country house.