Сегодня родился Крючков Николай Афанасьевич
6 января 1911 года в Москве родился Крючков Николай Афанасьевич. Это советский и российский актёр театра и кино. Он учился в школе актёрского мастерства при Московском театре рабочей молодёжи и совмещал учебу с работой на фабрике. Его театральный дебют состоялся в 1927 году в постановке «1905 год». В 1931 году он начал играть роли в кино. За свою жизнь он сыграл более 120 ролей.
On January 6, 1911 in Moscow Kriuchkov Nikolay Afanasyevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor. He studied at school of acting skills at the Moscow theater of young workers and combined study with work at a factory. His theatrical debut took place in 1927 in statement "1905". In 1931 he started playing roles at cinema. For his life he played more than 120 roles.
On January 6, 1911 in Moscow Kriuchkov Nikolay Afanasyevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor. He studied at school of acting skills at the Moscow theater of young workers and combined study with work at a factory. His theatrical debut took place in 1927 in statement "1905". In 1931 he started playing roles at cinema. For his life he played more than 120 roles.