Сегодня родился Борис Пастернак
10 февраля 1890 года в Москве родился Пастернак Борис Леонидович. Это русский писатель, поэт и переводчик. Пастернак был одним из крупнейших поэтов XX века. Пастернак опубликовал свои первые стихи в возрасте 23 лет. В 1955 году Пастернак закончил написание романа «Доктор Живаго». Он писал его в течение 10 лет. Через три года писатель был награждён Нобелевской премией по литературе. Роман «Доктор Живаго» затрагивал сокровенные вопросы человеческого существования — тайны жизни и смерти, вопросы истории, христианства.
On February 10, 1890 in Moscow Pasternak Boris Leonidovich was born. This is a Russian writer, a poet and a translator. Pasternak was one of the greatest poets of the XX century. Pasternak published his first verses at the age of 23. In 1955 Pasternak finished writing his novel "Doctor Zhivago". He had been writing it for 10 years. In three years the writer was awarded by the Nobel Prize for literature. The novel "Doctor Zhivago" raised the intimate questions of human existence — secret of life and death, questions of history, Christianity.
On February 10, 1890 in Moscow Pasternak Boris Leonidovich was born. This is a Russian writer, a poet and a translator. Pasternak was one of the greatest poets of the XX century. Pasternak published his first verses at the age of 23. In 1955 Pasternak finished writing his novel "Doctor Zhivago". He had been writing it for 10 years. In three years the writer was awarded by the Nobel Prize for literature. The novel "Doctor Zhivago" raised the intimate questions of human existence — secret of life and death, questions of history, Christianity.
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- 诗
- 长篇小说