Пожар на К-19
24 февраля 1972 года на советской атомной подводной лодке К-19 случился пожар. 9-ый отсек, в котором начался пожар, был задраен. Спасательные работы были затруднены из-за шторма. Авария на борту «К-19» стоила жизни тридцати морякам. Подводная лодка К-19 - это первый советский атомный ракетоносец. За многочисленные аварии лодка имела на флоте прозвище «Хиросима».
On February 24, 1972 on the Soviet nuclear K-19 submarine there was a fire. The 9th compartment in which the fire began, was battened down. Rescue efforts were complicated because of a storm. Accident onboard "K-19" cost life to thirty sailors. The K-19 submarine was the first Soviet nuclear rocket carrier. For numerous accidents the boat on fleet had a nickname "Hiroshima" .
On February 24, 1972 on the Soviet nuclear K-19 submarine there was a fire. The 9th compartment in which the fire began, was battened down. Rescue efforts were complicated because of a storm. Accident onboard "K-19" cost life to thirty sailors. The K-19 submarine was the first Soviet nuclear rocket carrier. For numerous accidents the boat on fleet had a nickname "Hiroshima" .
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- 第一