Национальный парк Плещеево озеро
Национальный парк Плещеево озеро расположен на юго-западе Ярославской области России. Он был основан 26 сентября 1988 года. На территории парка расположены 1 памятник природы (Криушкинский родник), 26 памятников археологии, 2 исторических и 2 архитектурных памятника.
Pleshcheevo Ozero National Park is located in the southwest of the Yaroslavl region of Russia. It was founded on September 26, 1988. There are 1 nature sanctuary (the Kriushkinsky spring), 26 monuments of archeology, 2 historical and 2 architectural monuments located in the territory of park .
Pleshcheevo Ozero National Park is located in the southwest of the Yaroslavl region of Russia. It was founded on September 26, 1988. There are 1 nature sanctuary (the Kriushkinsky spring), 26 monuments of archeology, 2 historical and 2 architectural monuments located in the territory of park .
- 湖
- 自然