Сегодня родился Стругацкий Аркадий Натанович
28 августа 1925 года в Батуми родился Стругацкий Аркадий Натанович. Это русский и советский писатель-фантаст, сценарист, переводчик. Большую часть своих произведений Аркадий Стругацкий создавал в соавторстве с младшим братом Борисом. Стругацкий писал много произведений в жанр научной фантастики и освещал проблемы взаимодействия с другими цивилизациями. Он также выполнял переводы с японского языка. На фото актёр
On August 28, 1925 Strugatsky Arkady Natanovich was born in Batumi. This is a Russian and Soviet science fiction writer, a screenwriter, a translator. Arkady Strugatsky created the most part of the works in a co-authorship with the younger brother Boris. Strugatsky wrote many works in to a genre of the science fiction and covered problems of the interaction with other civilizations. He also did translations from Japanese.
On August 28, 1925 Strugatsky Arkady Natanovich was born in Batumi. This is a Russian and Soviet science fiction writer, a screenwriter, a translator. Arkady Strugatsky created the most part of the works in a co-authorship with the younger brother Boris. Strugatsky wrote many works in to a genre of the science fiction and covered problems of the interaction with other civilizations. He also did translations from Japanese.
- 也是
- 俄语
- 作家
- 翻译
- 许多
- 鲍里斯
- 科学的
- 年纪较小的