Игрушки из теста на ёлку
Для создания праздничной и одновременно уютной атмосферы на Новый Год можно сделать ёлочные игрушки своими руками. Их можно сделать из теста. Вырежьте из теста игрушки разной формы и запеките их в духовке. Не забудьте предварительно сделать дырочку в каждой игрушке для подвешивания при помощи веревочки на ёлку. Вы можете также разукрасить своими игрушки разноцветной глазурью.
To make a festive and at the same time cozy atmosphere for New Year it is possible to make Christmas tree decorations with own hands. They can be made of dough. Cut out from the dough toys of different form and bake them in the oven. Don't forget to make previously a hole in each toy for suspension by means of a string on a fir-tree. You can also decorate the toys with multi-colored glaze.
To make a festive and at the same time cozy atmosphere for New Year it is possible to make Christmas tree decorations with own hands. They can be made of dough. Cut out from the dough toys of different form and bake them in the oven. Don't forget to make previously a hole in each toy for suspension by means of a string on a fir-tree. You can also decorate the toys with multi-colored glaze.
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