Клад — это зарытые в земле или спрятанные иным способом деньги или ценные предметы, владелец которых неизвестен. Согласно 233 статье Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации, обнаруженный клад делится поровну между человеком нашедшим его и владельцем земли, где он был найден.
The treasure is the money or valuable objects buried in the earth or hidden by a different way which owner is unknown. According to the 233rd article of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the found treasure is shared equally between a person found him and the owner of land where it has been found.
The treasure is the money or valuable objects buried in the earth or hidden by a different way which owner is unknown. According to the 233rd article of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the found treasure is shared equally between a person found him and the owner of land where it has been found.
- 人
- 物体
- 金钱