Тест Лица
Многие иностранцы испытывают сложности с лицами в русском языке. Попробуйте использовать тест "Лица" от Ruspeach для их тренировки. Основная задача при выполнении теста - выбрать из левого и правого списка начало и конец фразы. При правильном ответе фраза помечается зеленым цветом и воспроизводится аудио запись.
Many foreigners have difficulties with Persons in Russian language. Try to use the test of "Person" by Ruspeach for training. The main task during the test is to select from the left and right list beginning and ending of the sentence. When the answer is correct the phrase is marked in green and an audio recording is played.
Many foreigners have difficulties with Persons in Russian language. Try to use the test of "Person" by Ruspeach for training. The main task during the test is to select from the left and right list beginning and ending of the sentence. When the answer is correct the phrase is marked in green and an audio recording is played.