Авоська - сумка плетенная из нитей. Эта сумка была очень популярна в советское время. В Советском Союзе люди постоянно носили авоську с собой на случай, если они смогут что-то купить. В советских магазинах не было неэкологичных полиэтиленовых сумок-пакетов для покупок.
String-bag is a bag wattled of threads. This bag was very popular in Soviet period. In the Soviet Union people constantly carried a string-bag with themselves in case is they can buy something. In the Soviet shops there were no non-ecological polyethylene bags packages for purchases.
String-bag is a bag wattled of threads. This bag was very popular in Soviet period. In the Soviet Union people constantly carried a string-bag with themselves in case is they can buy something. In the Soviet shops there were no non-ecological polyethylene bags packages for purchases.
- 包
- 事情
- 商店
- 购买