Сегодня родился Рубакин Николай Александрович
13 июля 1862 года родился Рубакин Николай Александрович. Это русский библиограф, популяризатор науки и писатель. Николай рубакин был очень образованным и эрудированным человеком. Он окончил Петербургский университет, пройдя курс обучения одновременно на трех факультетах — естественном, историко-филологическом и юридическом. Самые известные литературные произведения Николая Рубакина: "Рассказы о друзьях человечества", "Вода", "Чудо на море".
On July 13, 1862 Rubakin Nikolay Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Russian bibliographer, a popular writer of science and a writer. Nikolay Rubakin was very educated and erudite person. He has graduated from the St. Petersburg university, having completed a course at the same time at three faculties — natural, historical and philological and Law faculty. The most famous literary works of Nikolay Rubakin are: "Stories about friends of mankind", "Water", "Miracle at the sea".
On July 13, 1862 Rubakin Nikolay Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Russian bibliographer, a popular writer of science and a writer. Nikolay Rubakin was very educated and erudite person. He has graduated from the St. Petersburg university, having completed a course at the same time at three faculties — natural, historical and philological and Law faculty. The most famous literary works of Nikolay Rubakin are: "Stories about friends of mankind", "Water", "Miracle at the sea".
- 历史学家
- 法学的
- 语文学的